

Our women offer Fall and Spring Bible Studies by some of the leading authorities in Women's Ministry.

Our women also have mission projects that help with local ministries as well as world missions.

There are special fellowships throughout the year like the Women's Ministry Christmas Party, movie nights, Saturday Brunches, and more. Check our Events page to see what the Women's Ministry has planned for this month.  

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Our men’s prayer group meets Tuesday mornings at 9:30 AM to pray together for individuals, families, events, and situations.

Our men also meet on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 AM for coffee and a Bible study. The group studies one book of the Bible at a time and decides as a whole which book they will study next.  

There is also a Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study about every 6-8 weeks on Saturday mornings at 8:30 AM. The men cook a full and filling meal which is followed by a lesson led by one of the pastors. Check our Events page to see when the next Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study is scheduled.

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Our senior adults, age 60 and up, are called “Prime-timers.” They meet almost every month for meals, fellowships, road trips, special programs, and more. Check our Events page to see what the Prime-timers' event is for this month.

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Music is a vital part of our worship service. Our blended worship services feature familiar hymns of the faith combined with current praise and worship selections. We have an adult choir and praise band. We offer opportunities for people to sing special music through solos, small groups, and ensembles. Instrumental music is also emphasized through special events. Our goal is to utilize our musical talent for God’s glory, provide a blessing to those who hear, and prepare our hearts to hear God’s message through the preaching of the Word.

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